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查看Sony Ericsson/索尼爱立信手机产品的常见问题常见问题解答

  1. 1.索爱Pic 怎么安装手机游戏?最好详细点,我下了好几个到内存卡里面都没有,求各位大侠帮忙解决下
  2. 关闭 答案:
    下载游戏一定要下JAR格式的! 然后放在卡上的其他文件夹里! 在手机上找到后即可安装!有些游戏下载后!必须修改后匿名为JAR或者下载的游戏是RAR格式的要解压出来JAR文件才可以安装!
  3. 关闭 答案:
    下载游戏一定要下JAR格式的! 然后放在卡上的其他文件夹里! 在手机上找到后即可安装!有些游戏下载后!必须修改后匿名为JAR或者下载的游戏是RAR格式的要解压出来JAR文件才可以安装!
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  4. 2.左上角信号旁边的E或者G是什么意思?
  5. 关闭 答案:
    G代表GPRS,E代表EDGE。EDGE是英文Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution的缩写,即增强型数据速率GSM演进技术,是一种从GS M到3G的过渡技术。你可以简单理解成GPRS的加强版或者升级版。还是那句
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  6. 关闭 答案:

    G代表GPRS,E代表EDGE。EDGE是英文Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution的缩写,即增强型数据速率GSM演进技术,是一种从GS M到3G的过渡技术。你可以简单理解成GPRS的加强版或者升级版。还是那句话,有信号就有图标。有EDGE信号的地方就有E,没有EDGE只有GPRS的地方就是G


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  7. 3.如何给联系人设置来电铃声/图片?
  8. 关闭 答案:
  9. 关闭 答案:


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  10. 4.换电池之后时间日期会归零?
  11. 关闭 答案:
    主板没有后备电容,断电20秒后就会这样。 菜单--手机设定--时间和日期--自动时区,选择打开,这样再取出电池超过20秒,开机后会提示‘接受更新?’,选择是,时间就会同步了。
  12. 关闭 答案:


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  13. 5.无法正常开机怎么办?
  14. 关闭 答案:
    1.取下电池重新插上试一试   2.取下存储卡及换一块电池重新插上试试; 3.拿出直充充电器插上机器看能否充电,如果能显示正在充电中,按开机键看能否启动; 4.用数据线连接电脑,如能连接
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  15. 关闭 答案:


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  16. 6.手机会中毒吗?
  17. 关闭 答案:
  18. 关闭 答案:


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  19. 7.如何关闭USB充电:
  20. 关闭 答案:
    连续按 右*左左*左* (左右是导航键 *是数字0左边那个) 不要管屏幕显示什么~~~除非导航键设置了奇特的快捷键~~~然后就会进入工程菜单~~~进入服务设置~~~看到“充电打开”的话就点一下 选择~~~屏
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  21. 关闭 答案:

    连续按 右*左左*左* (左右是导航键 *是数字0左边那个) 不要管屏幕显示什么~~~除非导航键设置了奇特的快捷键~~~然后就会进入工程菜单~~~进入服务设置~~~看到“充电打开”的话就点一下 选择~~~屏幕提示“USB充电已关闭”就可以了

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  22. 8.How do I remove the Memory Stick® Duo™?
  23. 关闭 答案:
    1. Open the cover for the Memory Stick® Duo™ slot on the right side of the phone. 2. Press the edge of the Memory Stick® Duo™ using your fingernail or the styl
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  24. 关闭 答案:
    1. Open the cover for the Memory Stick® Duo™ slot on the right side of the phone. 2. Press the edge of the Memory Stick® Duo™ using your fingernail or the stylus. 3. You will hear a click as it pops out of the slot. 4. Pull the Memory Stick® Duo™ straight out.
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  25. 9.How do I use the device lock?
  26. 关闭 答案:
    The device lock protects your P910 against unauthorized use. To activate the device lock: 1. Select Control panel > Device > Locks 2. Select a lock option 3. Select Done T
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  27. 关闭 答案:
    The device lock protects your P910 against unauthorized use. To activate the device lock: 1. Select Control panel > Device > Locks 2. Select a lock option 3. Select Done The default device lock code is ‘0000’, but you can change the code to any four to eight digit personal code. To do that select Control panel > Device > Locks > Change Codes. You can choose to have the P910 locked every time you turn it on, when the SIM card has been changed, or unlocked. It is also possible to have the device lock activated when the screen saver goes on. Just select Control panel > Device > Display > Screen and mark the checkbox Screen saver device lock.
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  28. 10.What happens when formatting a Memory Stick?
  29. 关闭 答案:
    All the information on the Memory Stick is deleted, including any applications that you may have installed on it.
  30. 关闭 答案:
    All the information on the Memory Stick is deleted, including any applications that you may have installed on it.
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  31. 11.What is available on the Multimedia CD?
  32. 关闭 答案:
    On the Multimedia CD you will find a lot of extra applications that you can install on your P910. Please note that some third party applications are demo and trial versions that wi
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  33. 关闭 答案:
    On the Multimedia CD you will find a lot of extra applications that you can install on your P910. Please note that some third party applications are demo and trial versions that will expire after a certain period of time. If you wish to continue using these applications, you need to purchase the full versions.
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  34. 12.Is it possible to browse HTML pages?
  35. 关闭 答案:
    Yes, it is. The phone has an integrated WML, HTML, cHTML and xHTML capable browser.
  36. 关闭 答案:
    Yes, it is. The phone has an integrated WML, HTML, cHTML and xHTML capable browser.
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  37. 13.How do I view a PDF document in my phone?
  38. 关闭 答案:
    1. Select Applications > Pdf+. 2. Open the document you whish to view. 3. From the toolbar at the bottom of the screen you can control the viewing using the different icons, e.g.
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  39. 关闭 答案:
    1. Select Applications > Pdf+. 2. Open the document you whish to view. 3. From the toolbar at the bottom of the screen you can control the viewing using the different icons, e.g. bookmarks view, next/previous page, search for links etc.
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  40. 14.How do I edit a Word document in my phone?
  41. 关闭 答案:
    1. Select Applications > Quickword. 2. Open the document you whish to edit. 3. Select the edit icon, i.e. the pencil at the bottom of the screen. 4. If it is the first time you
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  42. 关闭 答案:
    1. Select Applications > Quickword. 2. Open the document you whish to edit. 3. Select the edit icon, i.e. the pencil at the bottom of the screen. 4. If it is the first time you edit a document (in native Microsoft Word format) transferred to your P910, you have to rename it. Type a file name and press OK. 5. You can now start editing the document. In the toolbar at the bottom of the screen you will find icons for performing the most common word-processing functions. When you have finished editing and leave the document, your P910 saves the document automatically.
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  43. 15.How do I connect a Bluetooth™ headset to my phone?
  44. 关闭 答案:
    1. Choose Control panel in your phone and select Connections > Bluetooth > Settings. Set Bluetooth to On and make sure Visible to other devices is selected. 2. Set the headset to
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  45. 关闭 答案:
    1. Choose Control panel in your phone and select Connections > Bluetooth > Settings. Set Bluetooth to On and make sure Visible to other devices is selected. 2. Set the headset to be on or discoverable. (See the User Guide for the headset for instructions.) 3. In the Devices tab, tap Add. Your P910 searches for all devices in the vicinity and lists them. 4. Select the device you want your P910 to pair with, and enter a passcode (usually \"0000\", otherwise see the User Guide for the headset) when asked for it. When the passcode is accepted, the pairing process is complete.
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  46. 16.How do I activate the video camera?
  47. 关闭 答案:
    1. Press the camera button on the side of the phone or select Applications > Communicorder. 2. Use the Jog Dial or stylus to scroll to Video. 3. Press the Jog Dial or the recordi
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  48. 关闭 答案:
    1. Press the camera button on the side of the phone or select Applications > Communicorder. 2. Use the Jog Dial or stylus to scroll to Video. 3. Press the Jog Dial or the recording button in the display to start recording. 4. Press the Jog Dial or the recording button in the display to stop recording. In flip closed mode you can also start/stop the recording by pressing the OK button.
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  49. 17.Is it possible to make a backup of the content in the P800 or P900 and restore it into the P910?
  50. 关闭 答案:
    It is not possible to restore content from the P800 or P900 into the P910 using the Backup and Restore application in Sony Ericsson PC Suite. To transfer data between P800/P900 an
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  51. 关闭 答案:
    It is not possible to restore content from the P800 or P900 into the P910 using the Backup and Restore application in Sony Ericsson PC Suite. To transfer data between P800/P900 and P910 please use Bluetooth™, Infrared or Memory Stick® Duo™. The easiest way to perform the data transfer is to use Memory Stick® Duo™.
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  52. 18.Where to go for more questions and answers?
  53. 关闭 答案:
    Select Troubleshooting > Knowledge base in the navigation menu. There you can enter your own question in plain English and search for answers. You can also select More > Did you kn
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  54. 关闭 答案:
    Select Troubleshooting > Knowledge base in the navigation menu. There you can enter your own question in plain English and search for answers. You can also select More > Did you know? to get useful information on how to use your phone smarter. Another option is to look at the Frequently Asked Questions for P900. Many of them are applicable also for P910.
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  55. 19.Is there a Backup and Restore function?
  56. 关闭 答案:
    You can use the Backup and Restore PC application included in Sony Ericsson PC Suite (available on CD or under Software > Synchronization in the navigation menu) to back up the pho
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  57. 关闭 答案:
    You can use the Backup and Restore PC application included in Sony Ericsson PC Suite (available on CD or under Software > Synchronization in the navigation menu) to back up the phone contents to your computer. This data can be restored at any time you like. Please consult the P910 User Guide, available under Product information in the navigation menu, for instructions. A backup of your phone should be done on a regular basis.
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  58. 20.How do I change language?
  59. 关闭 答案:
    When you start your phone for the first time, you must select a language. Once a language has been selected, unused languages are deleted in order to conserve storage space. To ch
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  60. 关闭 答案:
    When you start your phone for the first time, you must select a language. Once a language has been selected, unused languages are deleted in order to conserve storage space. To change language in your phone, go to Applications > Control Panel > Other > Language selection. If the language you wish to use is not present in the list, use the Download Language application included on the Sony Ericsson PC Suite CD to change language. Additional languages are also available for downloading under Software in the navigation menu.
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  61. 21.How can I use the Memory Stick® Duo™?
  62. 关闭 答案:
    Sony Memory Stick® Duo™ provides a convenient way of increasing the storage space in your phone. If your phone memory runs low, you can transfer the content from the phon
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  63. 关闭 答案:
    Sony Memory Stick® Duo™ provides a convenient way of increasing the storage space in your phone. If your phone memory runs low, you can transfer the content from the phone memory to the Memory Stick® Duo™. You can save still images, video clips, music and voice recordings as well as computer data and applications on the Memory Stick® Duo™. If you want to move files to your computer, just remove the Memory Stick® Duo™ from the phone and plug it into the computer. Memory Stick® Duo™ is also compatible with Sony’s digital cameras, video cameras and other handheld devices. A 32 MB Memory Stick® Duo™ is included in the phone kit, but up to 1 GB (Memory Stick® PRO Duo™) is supported.
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  64. 22.Is it possible to record video clips?
  65. 关闭 答案:
    You can record video clips in QCIF picture size (176x144 pixels) with MPEG4 video compression and AMR sound compression. How much time you can record depends on the quality setting
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  66. 关闭 答案:
    You can record video clips in QCIF picture size (176x144 pixels) with MPEG4 video compression and AMR sound compression. How much time you can record depends on the quality settings and free internal memory. When in recording mode, the remaining recording time is found in the top right corner.
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  67. 23.How to install applications from a PC into my phone?
  68. 关闭 答案:
    1. Sony Ericsson PC Suite (available on one of the CDs delivered with your phone) must be installed in your PC, and the P910 must be connected to the PC via SyncStation, infrared o
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  69. 关闭 答案:
    1. Sony Ericsson PC Suite (available on one of the CDs delivered with your phone) must be installed in your PC, and the P910 must be connected to the PC via SyncStation, infrared or Bluetooth. 2. Start the software Install Software on your PC (can be found under Programs > Sony Ericsson > P910), and select the application (.sis file) to install. 3. Confirm to install the application in the P910 and follow the instructions. Note: Product failures caused by applications not approved or made for Sony Ericsson will not be covered by your warranty.
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  70. 24.How to synchronize calendar and e-mails in phone and PC?
  71. 关闭 答案:
    To be able to synchronize calendar and e-mails you have to install the Sony Ericsson PC Suite for P910 (one of the CDs delivered with your phone) on your PC. Synchronization is di
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  72. 关闭 答案:
    To be able to synchronize calendar and e-mails you have to install the Sony Ericsson PC Suite for P910 (one of the CDs delivered with your phone) on your PC. Synchronization is divided into local and remote. Local synchronization is performed directly to a connected PC via either cable, infrared or Bluetooth. Remote synchronization is done over the air with a remote server in, for example, a corporate network. Please consult your P910 User Guide, available under Product information in the navigation menu, for instructions.
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  73. 25.How can I connect my phone to a PC?
  74. 关闭 答案:
    Your P910 is delivered with a CD, the Sony Ericsson PC Suite. This software must be installed in the PC you want to connect to. Your phone can be connected to a PC via Bluetooth&#
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  75. 关闭 答案:
    Your P910 is delivered with a CD, the Sony Ericsson PC Suite. This software must be installed in the PC you want to connect to. Your phone can be connected to a PC via Bluetooth™, infrared or cable. Please consult your P910 User Guide, available under Product information in the navigation menu, for instructions. After this you will be able to use the applications on the CDs that were delivered with your phone, such as Synchronization, Backup and Restore, File Manager, MMS Home Studio etc.
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  76. 26.What is Sony Ericsson Update Service?
  77. 关闭 答案:
    Sony Ericsson Update Service will keep your phone updated with the very latest software and enhance your product experience. When an improved software version is available, you can
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  78. 关闭 答案:
    Sony Ericsson Update Service will keep your phone updated with the very latest software and enhance your product experience. When an improved software version is available, you can download and install it whenever you want to. All you need is: - a desk synchronization stand - an Internet-connected (preferably via broadband) PC To update the P910 software, select Sony Ericsson Update Service under More in the navigation menu. Follow the instructions on how to proceed with the update sequence.
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  79. 27.What do I need to send and receive e-mail?
  80. 关闭 答案:
    To use e-mail services, your subscription must support data services. Please consult your network operator provider for more information. You will also need an e-mail account at an
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  81. 关闭 答案:
    To use e-mail services, your subscription must support data services. Please consult your network operator provider for more information. You will also need an e-mail account at an Internet service provider. The easiest way of setting up an e-mail account in the phone, is to receive the settings in text messages (SMS). Select E-mail under Phone setup in the navigation menu, or contact your service provider. When you receive the messages, just select them to install the settings. To use Phone setup, you will need login and account information from your Internet service provider. You can also set up an e-mail account manually. Please consult the P910 User Guide, available under Product information in the navigation menu, for more information.
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  82. 28.How to set up WAP and MMS?
  83. 关闭 答案:
    To use WAP and MMS services, you must have the correct settings installed in your phone, and your subscription must support the services. Please consult your service provider for m
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  84. 关闭 答案:
    To use WAP and MMS services, you must have the correct settings installed in your phone, and your subscription must support the services. Please consult your service provider for more information about your subscription. The easiest way of setting up WAP and MMS is to receive the settings in a text message (SMS). Select WAP or MMS under Phone setup in the navigation menu, or contact your service provider. When you receive the message, just select it to install the settings. You can also set up WAP and MMS manually. Please consult the P910 User Guide, available under Product information in the navigation menu, for more information.
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  85. 29.What is the difference between P900 and P910?
  86. 关闭 答案:
    The P910 is equipped with a fully featured keyboard on the inside of the flip, suitable for writing e-mails and text documents. The P910 has improved e-mail functionality includin
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  87. 关闭 答案:
    The P910 is equipped with a fully featured keyboard on the inside of the flip, suitable for writing e-mails and text documents. The P910 has improved e-mail functionality including IMAP4 and HTML formatting. Viewers and editors for Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, and viewers for Microsoft Powerpoint and Adobe™ Acrobat™ PDF, let you work with the most common document formats. (The Powerpoint viewer is available on the Multimedia CD.) The screen quality is enhanced and has 262k colours and 60% improved brightness. The internal memory size is increased from 16 MB to 64 MB (up to 60 MB for Chinese models), and up to 1 GB Memory Stick® PRO Duo™ external memory is supported. The Bluetooth handsfree profile has a low power consuming “sniff\" mode. The Storage Wizard enables you to quickly free-up storage space used by applications, media or other files and messages.
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查看Sony Ericsson/索尼爱立信手机产品的在线问题索尼爱立信 P910C产品的在线问题

主题 作者 浏览数 最后回复时间
【已解决】 p910c MyPrice网友 0 2013/06/20 08,52,30
【已解决】 索爱p910c手机找不到炒股软件 huangyouhuang 31 2010/09/03 20,51,04
【已解决】 910突然黑屏 无法开机 MyPrice网友 565 2010/09/03 20,50,36
· 我的手机是索爱p910c,电脑上复制的EXCEL打不开 xiajianghe 79 2009/04/29 16,44,03
【已解决】 安装完一个炒股软件后,打开程序自动关闭,提示KERN-EXEC 3 xxsm01 482 2010/10/11 21,49,52
· 我忘了设备锁怎么办呀? MyPrice网友 284 2012/02/20 14,45,46
【已解决】 怎么解锁 MyPrice网友 786 2011/03/30 22,59,20
· 我的P910C为什么打和接电话没声音? henry1127 702 2006/09/07 08,25,12
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索尼爱立信 P910C 说明书 下 载 MyPrice 2006.01



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