- 1.手机充电时没有任何显示。 手机是否有何不妥?
- 答案:
- 对空电池充电时,充电图标在屏幕上显示出来可能需要长达30分钟的时间。
- 2.开始使用WAP功能前,需要些什么?
- 3.该手机是否有 MMS 功能?
- 答案:
- 有, 它有 MMS 功能。
- 4.如何调整屏幕显示亮度?
- 答案:
- 调整屏幕亮度: 翻阅到[话机设定],按“Yes” 翻阅到[屏幕显示],按“Yes” 翻阅到[对比度],按“Yes” 调整屏幕亮度。
- 5.使用GPRS功能是否对电池性能有负面影响?
- 答案:
- 没有,GPRS对电池性能没有任何负面影响。
- 6.如何使用移动聊天?
- 答案:
- 移动聊天功能的操作方法与在因特网上聊天相同。要启动聊天功能,请转到信息功能/聊天。
- 7.使用GPRS是否需要新的SIM卡?
- 答案:
- 不用,使用GPRS无需新SIM卡。但您必须与服务商联系,将该项服务加入您的服务申请。
- 8.What are themes?
- 答案:
- You can change the appearance of the display, for example, the colors and background picture, by using themes. Your phone comes with some pre-set themes. You cannot delete these, but you can create new themes on Sony Ericsson Mobile Internet and download them to your phone.
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- 9.Can I change / exchange my ringsignal?
- 答案:
- Your phone comes with a number of standard and polyphonic melodies which can be used as ring signals. You can create and edit standard melodies, and send them to a friend, in a text or multimedia message. You can also exchange standard melodies via IR or download them via WAP. Melodies can be downloaded via WAP on: wap.sonyericsson.com Note: You are not allowed to exchange copyright-protected material.
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- 10.How to download a new game?
- 答案:
- Make sure you have entered WAP settings, for instructions please consult your user guide Scroll to [FUN & GAMES], ”Yes”, [GAMES], ”Yes”, [NEW GAMES], ”Yes” Press ”Yes” to download a new game via WAP. A WAP session starts Select a game from the WAP site, press ”Yes” The game is downloaded and saved in [FUN & GAMES]/[GAMES]
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- 11.Why can't I send or receive SMS?
- 答案:
- If the number to your service center is not saved on your SIM card, you must specify the number yourself. Otherwise you cannot reply to received messages or send your own. To check the service center number: Scroll to [MESSAGES], ”Yes”, [TEXT], ”Yes”, [OPTIONS], ”Yes”, [SERVICE CENTRES], ”Yes” If no number is found, select [ADD NEW?] and press ”Yes” Enter the number, including the international + sign and country code and press ”Yes”。
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