◇ 松下 SL-CT820
提问者: gklstd | 提问时间: 2006-12-17 09:58:26 | 回复(2)
- 1.More and more people put special interest on christian louboutin shoes. This is because christian louboutin shoes are not only high fashion, but also in good quality. It was made for adult men who know the difficult weather conditions. Christian Louboutin completely changed its image in recent years to become a fashion brand. It has been seen that a handbag is just not only a simple bag but it is also a representatives of the latest fashion, status and taste. The red soled shoes of the more enthusiastic and keen, of which the most representative brand of non-red-soled shoes Christian Louboutin Shoes, its “fan base”
- 回答者: tory burch store 2011-08-22
- 1.More and more people put special interest on christian louboutin shoes. This is because christian louboutin shoes are not only high fashion, but also in good quality. It was made for adult men who know the difficult weather conditions. Christian Louboutin completely changed its image in recent years to become a fashion brand. It has been seen that a handbag is just not only a simple bag but it is also a representatives of the latest fashion, status and taste. The red soled shoes of the more enthusiastic and keen, of which the most representative brand of non-red-soled shoes Christian Louboutin Shoes, its “fan base”
- 2.我要卖我的松下SL-CT820 外观为银色
附件:两个线控(一个点阵式LCD背光液晶线控,另一个不带屏幕但也是从原专卖店购买的配套产品),两块1400mAh原装日产可充电电池(有电池盒),两套外接电源电池盒(装两节普通电池,当时一起买的从未用过),原配充电器,专用该机型配套CD保护棉质便携袋,24张CD光盘(除了自己刻的一张都是正版还有一张空盘),本人CD绝无半点使用问题外观保存良好无损伤,追求音乐音质的松下CD迷们,有真心要买者请速联系:15940525830 参考价500
- 回答者: MyPrice网友 2008-09-11
- 2.我要卖我的松下SL-CT820 外观为银色