TP-LINK TL-WR740N无法连接外网,才半年,以前是可以上网的,就这两天不能上了
索引 类型 日 志 内 容 16 INFO 0045:发送PADI,请求建立连接. 15 INFO 0042:发送PADI,请求建立连接. 14 INFO 0040:发送PADI,请求建立连接. 13 INFO 0039:PPPoE 开启手动连接. 12 INFO 0019:DHCPS: 1:0xc46ab7de5cd7,, ACK in request. 11 INFO 0017:DHCPS: 1:0xc46ab7de5cd7, NAK in request. 10 INFO 0013:Failed to connect to ISP server, maybe WAN port cable is unplugged. 9 INFO 0013:PPPOE: request timeout. 8 INFO 0013:发送PADI,请求建立连接. 7 INFO 0010:DHCPS: 1:0x000b2f2664ee,, ACK in request. 6 INFO 0009:发送PADI,请求建立连接. 5 INFO 0008:DHCPS: 1:0x000b2f2664ee, NAK in request. 4 INFO 0005:发送PADI,请求建立连接. 3 INFO 0003:发送PADI,请求建立连接. 2 INFO 0003:PPPoE 开启自动连接. 1 INFO 0000:系统启动成功. E4 DEBUG :(|2013-07-25 22:22:46 428320s| Tlb Load Exception Exception Program Counter: 0x801b348c Status Register: 0x0000f401 Cause Register: 0x00000008 Access Address : 0x00000014 Task: 0x80ade540 "tHostapd" E3 DEBUG :(|2013-07-08 21:02:18 706234s| Tlb Load Exception Exception Program Counter: 0x801b348c Status Register: 0x0000f401 Cause Register: 0x00000008 Access Address : 0x00000014 Task: 0x80ade540 "tHostapd" E2 DEBUG :(|2013-06-27 20:53:19 3190346s| Tlb Load Exception Exception Program Counter: 0x801b348c Status Register: 0x0000f401 Cause Register: 0x00000008 Access Address : 0x00000014 Task: 0x80adf7f0 "tHostapd" E1 DEBUG :(|2013-01-21 18:46:57 710354s| Tlb Load Exception Exception Program Counter: 0x801b348c Status Register: 0x0000f401 Cause Register: 0x00000008 Access Address : 0x00000014 Task: 0x80ade540 "tHostapd" Time = 2006-01-01 8:00:47 48s H-Ver = WR740N 5.0/6.0 00000000 : S-Ver = 4.18.29 Build 110909 Rel.35946n L = : M = W1 = PPPoE : W = : M = : G = Free=5025, Busy=5, Bind=3, Inv=0/0, Bc=0/0, Dns=6, cl=384, fc=0/0, sq=0/0
提问者: acerking | 提问时间: 2013-08-25 00:47:00 | 回复(0)