- TCL L40E9FBD怎么样进入工程菜单
TCL L40E9FBD怎么样进入工程菜单
提问者: MyPrice网友 | 提问时间: 2009-08-12 15:46:18 | 回复(4)
- 1.非我司产品。
- 回答者: TCL厂家 2009-08-19 最佳答案
- 2.
She [b][url=http://www.tocoy.net]mens wedding rings tungsten[/url][/b] seemed to raise it [b][url=http://www.tocoy.net]tungsten wedding ring[/url][/b] (the listeners eyes were [b][url=http://www.tocoy.net]tungsten wedding rings[/url][/b] always on his paper), [b][url=http://www.tocoy.net]tungsten rings[/url][/b] and to let it fall with a rattle on the ledge before her, as if the axe had dropped. The citizeness is superb! croaked the Juryman. She is an Angel! said The Vengeance, and embraced her. As to thee, pursued madame, implacably, addressing her husband, if it depended on theewhich, happily, it does not thou wouldst rescue this man
- 回答者: we 2010-12-04
- 2.
- 3.我在去年5月份买了一台TCL L40E9FBD电视,一个月后开机黑屏。送当地维修点近2个月后运回,据说是换了一台新机器。可是昨天(2010年7月17日)开机时半边亮,半边黑,而且图像不断闪动,声音正常能告诉我怎么回事吗?
- 回答者: dfcky 2010-07-18
- 4.进入主菜单,在图像效果子菜单下选择对比度,然后快速分别按下7935四个数字
- 回答者: MyPrice网友 2010-06-10