2、Go to Start->Program->Accessories->Communication->HyperTerminal. Run HyperTerminal, and set the COM port as 9600 bps and NO flow control
3、Power on Your FW/MH/BM Device. You will see some strings displayed on HyperTerminal screen. After power on selftest, you will see the login menu.
4、键入 Login name 及 Password ,分别为
FW1000 -->Login name: firewall , password: firewall
MH2000 -->Login name: multihoming , password: multihoming
BM2000 -->Login name: bandwidth , password: bandwidth
SV3000 -->Login name: mailsecurity , password: mailsecurity
CR2000 -->Login name: itsecurity , password: itsecurity
5、进Console 后先打?号,有Password Recover的指令可以将密码回复至出厂值。