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What is TrackID™, and how do I use it?

发布时间:2008-02-28 14:14:09


TrackID™ is a music recognition service. You can automatically search for title, artist and album names about a song you hear playing. In order to be able to search for a music track, you need to have your internet settings (WAP) installed. These settings may already be in your phone when you buy it, or you can use Phone setup on this site to receive the settings in an SMS message. The cost for using TrackID™ is your operator's fee for transferring the data to your phone. There are two ways to use this service: When you hear a music track on the radio in your phone that you would like to know more about: Press "More" > TrackID™. Then press "Select" > "Start". If you hear a music track in your surroundings: Go to Menu > Entertainment > TrackID™. Then press "Start", and hold your phone microphone near the music source. A sample of the music track is recorded, and, when found, details about the music track are shown on the screen.

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