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I have bought a new phone. How do I transfer my contacts from my old phone?

发布时间:2008-01-30 14:20:22


Actions in the old phone: If your old phone is a Sony Ericsson phone, follow the instructions below. Otherwise please consult the old phone's user guide. Go to "Menu" > Contacts. Highlight New contact and press "Options". Go to Advanced and press "Select". Choose Copy to SIM and press "Select". Choose Copy all and press "Select". Press "Yes" to confirm that it is OK to replace the contacts on the SIM card. When the copying is done, turn off your phone and move the SIM card to your new phone. Actions in the new phone: Turn on the phone. Go to "Menu" > Contacts. Highlight New contact and press "Options". Go to Advanced and press "Select". Choose Copy from SIM and press "Select". Choose Copy all and press "Select". Press "Yes" to start copying. The contacts are now copied to your new phone

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