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What is PlayNow™, and how do I use it?

发布时间:2008-01-30 13:50:59


With the PlayNow™ service, you can pre-listen to music tones before you decide to purchase them and download them to your phone. PlayNow™ is a network- or operator-dependent feature. Please contact your network operator for information about your subscription and PlayNow™. To listen to a music tone: Go to Menu > PlayNow™. When you select to download a music tone, you will see the total price for the download on the screen. Press "Yes" to perform the purchase (or "No" if you do not want to go ahead with the purchase). Your phone bill or prepay phone card will be charged by your network operator. The downloaded music tone will be automatically saved in Menu > Organizer > File manager > Music in your phone.

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