发布时间:2006-04-05 10:31:16
发布时间:2006-04-05 10:31:16
1:开机看到logo画面后按[f2] 进入bios菜单。 2:利用左右方向键移动,选择进入power菜单。 3:选择start battery calibration后,当出现下面信息时,请将电源适配器接上,以利机器对电池充电。 battery calibration utility please plug-in an ac adapter to supply power. it will calibrate the gauge of battery now. initialized battery and adjust the lcd brightness. it is charging the battery, please wait. 4:当屏幕出现下面信息时,请移开电源适配器,并等待机器放电完成自动关机。 please remove ac adapter. [请移走电源适配器] please leave the battery running out of power. [此时电池开始放电,直到放完电后,系统会自动关机] 5:待关机后接上电源适配器,充电直到充电指示灯熄灭,即完成电池校正。(整个过程大约需要花费4~5个小时)