发布时间:2010-10-21 10:31:23
发布时间:2010-10-21 10:31:23
AR18/AR28在系统启动时按ctrl+B进入bootrom menu后,按ctrl+F即可格式化flash,当然会有一个Y/N的提示,避免误操作;AR46则不同,系统启动时,按ctrl+B进入main-bootrom menu后,需要按ctrl+Z进入隐含子菜单,具体操作如下: =====================<MAIN-BOOTROM MENU>===================== | <1> Boot With Default Mode | | <2> Boot From Flash | | <3> Enter Serial SubMenu | | <4> Enter Ethernet SubMenu | | <5> Boot File Control | | <6> Modify Bootrom Password | | <7> Reset Console Authentication | | <8> Ignore System Configuration | | <9> Enter Debugging Environment | | <a> Reboot | ============================================================= Enter your choice(1-a): -----------------------按CTRL-Z进入隐含子菜单 ======================<HIDDEN SUB-MENU>====================== | <1> Flash Operateion | | <2> Delete File From Flash | | <3> Disable Config Password | | <4> Upgrade Small BootRom | | <5> Upgrade South-Bridge Logic | | <6> Exit To Main Menu | ============================================================= Enter your choice(1-6): 1 --------------------按1进入flash操作菜单 ======================<Flash Operation>====================== |Note: System will boot with only flash test with flash | | test flag set,no VRP programme running any more, | | choose <show flash test result> to see the result. | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | <1> Erease flash | | <2> Set flash test flag | | <3> Clean flash test flag | | <4> Show flash test result | | <5> Set flash test delay in hours | | <6> Return to main hidden menu | ============================================================= Enter Your Choice(1-6):1 --------------------按1格式化FLASH